Curriculum and Instruction
At MHA, we provide a wide range of intellectually challenging academic experiences designed to promote the development of students who are well prepared and highly motivated to pursue positions of leadership.
Integrated Technology
Blended Learning
Real World Experience
To address the academic, physical and emotional needs of our students, so they are able to develop a sense of well-being, self discovery, and a respect for and appreciation of their own culture and those of their classmates
To cultivate a culture of inquiry, reflection and collaboration, where students think critically and communicate clearly
To create a nurturing child-centered environment where students learn through relevant, real-world experiences
To recognize the interconnections of subject matter across academic disciplines
To cultivate a technology-rich environment that effectively integrates educational technology into classroom instruction
To build a connected community of learners, composed of parents, student, teachers and the community at large
Technology Focus
All students at MHA receive their own personal laptop to use at school every day and to take home for homework. We promote the use of technology to support a climate in which academic excellence and life-long learning are valued by all.
All classrooms have at least two (2) SMART boards. The integration of technology throughout the curriculum creates a growth-oriented environment, characterized by collegiality, collaboration and inquiry and guided by the rich resources that technological advances provide. Math classes utilize Prism Virtual Reality headsets to engage in real world math simulations that make learning exciting, relevant, and fun!
Many teachers and all administrators text and use technology to quickly and effectively communicate with students and parents. Technology is a tool that can support close contact between students, parents, school and the community at large. At MHA every student recognizes him/herself/themself as a critical thinker and problem solver skilled in digital literacy and well prepared to participate in the global community of learners.
Blended Learning
All classes at MHA are in person and interactive. However, we leverage online supports and online classes to supplement learning and help students move at a pace faster than possible with only in person classes. Blended school models mix online and face to face learning in a digital learning environment in order to increase student achievement by freeing students to learn at their own pace, using differentiated teaching roles, and increasing credit accumulation and on-time graduation (NYCDOE, 2009).
All learning materials are available online via Google Classroom. All grades and attendance are available for students and parents to view in real time via NYCDOE’s grading platform. Blended learning integrates face to face (individual, small group, large group) and online learning and media, instructional modalities and methods, to personalize the teaching and learning process (Bonk and Graham, 2009).
We leverage Zoom for two remote Parent Teacher Conferences (2 others are in person celebrations in September and May), PTA meetings, and other communication to meet parents where they are at. We believe remaining flexible to all families is the best way to ensure all families remain engaged in their child’s educational journey at MHA. Blended learning can be seen as an effort to combine the social aspect of face to face communication with media accessible web-based environment, and maximize the benefits of both models (Delialioglu and Yildirim, 2007).
All programs at MHA are individualized to meet the needs of all students. We encourage students to advocate for the courses they need or want that align with their college and career goals. In order to meet these needs, we use and the Virtual Learning Environment to blend face to face instruction with the online curriculum. Teachers will modify the online curriculum and assignments as decided by the grade level teams.
At MHA, all students follow a course sequence that allows them to earn an Advanced Regents Diploma. This course sequence ensures all students are college and career ready.
Combined with the comprehensive, 360 degree, college and career supports offered in grades 9-12 with our guidance counselor, college and career counselor, and teacher advisors, every student will be prepared to apply to top-notch colleges and/or career programs of their choice.
Do I need to take a Regents Exam? This chart answers “YES” for the subjects you need to pass a Regents Exam and the number of credits/years of courses required for the Advanced Regents Diploma vs. Regents Diploma.
Course Offerings
At MHA, all student schedules are personalized to meet students where they are at and ensure the unique needs of all students is met. This means our students follow a sequence of courses, but students in different grade levels may take different courses in different subjects depending on whether or not they enter high school with high school credits in ELA, Science, Math, or Social Studies.
Students in our competitive Computer Science & Math program also are prioritized for our three years of Computer Science courses, while General Studies MHA students may take other electives.
Some students also choose an accelerated course of study to take advantage of our 7 Advanced Placement courses and/or to ensure completion of college level courses through our COLLEGE NOW partners.
The list of courses below is the sequence we follow at MHA. At MHA, all schedules are personalized. If your child comes into high school with high school credits, he/she/they will begin the course after the course they completed in middle school. They will never be forced to repeat a course they’ve previously passed.
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics
Financial Mathematics
*Virtual Advanced Placement Calculus offered on a voluntary basis for the 24-25 school year for students opting to take the course BEFORE school
*All students will take a free SAT Math Skills elective during Fall semester of their Junior year to prepare them for the SAT, should they decide to report their score during the college application process.
Living Environment
Earth Science
Advanced Placement (AP) Biology
*College Now Science courses available
English Language Arts (ELA)
ELA 1 and ELA 2 (9th grade)
ELA 3 and ELA 4 (10th grade)
Advanced Placement (AP) Language and Composition (11th Grade)
Advanced Placement (AP) Literature (12th Grade)
*College Essays are included in the ELA curriculum to ensure students have multiple opportunities for revision and feedback before submitting applications to colleges
Social Studies
Global History 1 and 2 (9th Grade)
Global History 3 and 4 (10th Grade)
Advanced Placement (AP) US History (11th Grade)
Advanced Placement (AP) United States Government (12th Grade)
*Satisfies the Economics Graduation requirement
Computer Science *priority given to students accepted into our competitive Computer Science program
Computer Science Discoveries
Computer Science Principles
Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science
Introduction to Visual Art
Graphic Design
Mixed Media
Studio Art
Electives *subject to change depending on staffing and budget
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Psychology
Chinese History and Language
History and Film
Physical Education
Virtual and Asynchronous Extra-curricular Elective Course Offerings via iLearn/Edgenuity:
African American History
Agribusiness Systems
Agriscience 2A
Agriscience 2B
Agriscience I
American Sign Language 1A: Introduction
American Sign Language 1B: Learn to Sign
American Sign Language 2A
American Sign Language 2B
Anthropology I: Uncovering Human Mysteries
Anthropology II: More Human Mysteries Uncovered
AP Computer Science Principles - Semester A
AP Computer Science Principles - Semester B
AP French Language and Culture A
Career Planning and Development
Careers in Allied Health
Careers in Criminal Justice
Chinese 1 A
Chinese 1 B
Chinese 1
Chinese 2 A
Chinese 2 B
Chinese 2
Computer Applications - Office 2019 A
Computer Applications - Office 2019 B
Concepts of Engineering and Technology
Contemporary Health (full year) A-IC
Contemporary Health (full year) B-IC
Cosmetology 2: The Business of Skin and Nail Care
African American History
Agribusiness Systems
Agriscience 2A
AP French Language and Culture B
Agriscience 2
Agriscience I
American Sign Language 1A: Introduction
American Sign Language 1B: Learn to Sign
American Sign Language 2A
American Sign Language 2B
Anthropology I: Uncovering Human Mysteries
Early Childhood Education 1B: Developing Early Learners
Engineering and Design
Engineering and Product Development
AP Psychology A
AP Psychology B
AP Spanish Language and Culture A
AP Spanish Language and Culture B
Archaeology: Detectives of the Past
Art History I A
Art History I A-CR
Art History I B
Art History I B-CR
Astronomy 1A
Astronomy 1B
Biotechnology 1A: Introduction
Biotechnology 1B: Unlocking Nature's Secrets
Business Computer Information Systems
Business Law
Career Explorations
Career Management
Fashion and Interior Design
Fire and Emergency Services
Food Products and Processing Systems
Food Safety and Sanitation
Forensic Science I: Secrets of the Dead
Forensic Science II
Forestry and Natural Resources
Foundations of Personal Wellness - EL2082 A
Foundations of Personal Wellness - EL2082 B
French 1 A
French 1 B
French 1
French 2 A
French 2 B
French 2
French 3 A
French 3 B
Fundamentals of Programming and Software Development
Game Design 1A
Game Design 1B
German 1 A
German 1 B
German 1 Full Year
Hospitality and Tourism 2B
Hospitality and Tourism: Traveling the Globe
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Introduction to Art A
Introduction to Art A-CR
Introduction to Art B
Introduction to Art B-CR
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Careers in Architecture and Construction
Introduction to Careers in Arts, A/V Technology and Communications
Introduction to Careers in Education and Training
Introduction to Careers in Finance
Introduction to Careers in Government and Public Administration
Introduction to Careers in the Health Sciences
Introduction to Careers in Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to Computer Science B
Introduction to Consumer Services
Introduction to Health Science
Introduction to Human Growth and Development
Introduction to Human Services
Introduction to Information Technology
Introduction to Information Technology Support and Services
Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Introduction to Network Systems
Introduction to STEM
Journalism 1A: Introduction
Journalism 1B: Investigating the Truth
Latin 1 A
Latin 1 B
Latin 1
Latin 2 A
Latin 2 B
Latin 2
Law and Order: Introduction to Legal Studies
Law Enforcement Field Services
Lifetime Fitness (full year) A
Lifetime Fitness (full year) B
Manufacturing: Product Design and Innovation
Marine Science 1A: Introduction
Marine Science 1B: Secrets of the Blue
Marketing and Sales for Tourism and Hospitality
Medical Terminology
Microsoft Office Specialist - Office 2019 - EL3502 A
Microsoft Office Specialist - Office 2019 - EL3502 B
Middle School 2D Studio Art 1A
Middle School 2D Studio Art 1B
Middle School Coding 1A
Middle School Coding 1B
Middle School Digital Art and Design 1B
Middle School Digital Arts and Design 1A
Middle School Exploring Music 1A
Middle School Exploring Music 1B
Middle School Game Design 1A
Middle School Game Design 1B
Middle School Journalism 1A: Introduction
Middle School Journalism 1B: Tell Your Story
Middle School Photography 1A: Introduction
Middle School Photography 1B: Drawing with Light
Military Careers
Music Appreciation: The Enjoyment of Listening
Mythology and Folklore Legendary Tales
National Security
Network System Design
New Applications: Web Development in the 21st Century
Nursing Assistant
Nutrition and Wellness
Online Learning and Digital Citizenship
Peer Counseling
Personal Finance
Pharmacy Technician
Philosophy: The Big Picture
Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Principles of Public Service: To Serve and Protect
Psychology A
Psychology B
Public Speaking 1A: Introduction
Public Speaking 1B: Finding Your Voice
Real World Parenting
Renewable Technologies 1A
Renewable Technologies 1B
Small Business Entrepreneurship A
Small Business Entrepreneurship B
Social Media: Our Connected World
Social Problems I: A World in Crisis
Social Problems II Crisis, Conflicts and Challenges
Software Development Tools
Spanish 1 A
Spanish 1 B
Spanish 1
Spanish 2 A
Spanish 2 B
Spanish 2
Spanish 3 A
Spanish 3 B
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Strategies for Academic Success
Sustainable Service Management for Hospitality and Tourism
Technology and Business
Transportation and Tours for the Traveler
Veterinary Science: The Care of Animals
World Religions: Exploring Diversity